homemade cat food

Homemade Cat Food Recipes For Sensitive Stomach And Urinary Problems

Being a cat owner, worrying about your cat’s feeding habits can cause headaches and even anxiety. If your cat has a sensitive stomach or is struggling to keep down his food, then it may be time to consider other options. Transitioning to homemade cat food recipes for sensitive stomachs can make a huge difference to your cat’s health and your happiness.

How To Know If Your Cat Has Food Sensitivity/ Intolerance

homemade cat food recipes for sensitive stomachWhile cats are naturally cautious with their meals, extreme apathy with constant puking indicates that something is wrong. As such, a visit to the vet might be the best option, though such cases often result from food intolerance and allergies. Nonetheless, only a veterinarian can trace the root cause of such behaviors since there are other factors to consider.

In some cases, food intolerance can cause chronic ear problems, Flatulence, wheezing and coughing, red inflamed skin and hair loss. As a pet owner, you may also note a significant change in your cat’s eating habits and general behavior. These three simple homemade cat food recipes for sensitive stomach will help ease your feline’s pain. However, let’s first look at some of the reasons why your cat may be suffering from food sensitivity.

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Why Your Cat Has Food Sensitivity

According to experts, there are various reasons why your cat may be suffering from food intorelance. Some of the reasons behind your cat’s food sensitivity include:

  • Health conditions

Constant vomiting and diarrhea are the two main symptoms of a sensitive stomach. Since these two symptoms can also result from an array of other health issues, taking your cat to see the vet is the most logical move. The vet will examine your kitty and carry out various tests to identify the source of the sensitivity. In some cases, the sensitivity may be as a result of thyroid or renal problem, which can be fatal for your kitty if left untreated.

  • Oral Health

When something is wrong with your feline, you shouldn’t only focus on the cat’s stomach but also its overall digestive system. Check if there is an issue with your cat’s teeth and gum health since problems such as tooth decay could result in liver, health and kidney complications.  That said, brushing your kitty’s teeth could help you solve food sensitivity issues.

  • Current diet

The most common reason why cats develop food sensitivity is the quality of the food they eat. If you care about your cat’s health, you’ll need to invest in healthy food and ensure the feline is on a good diet. Foods that are high in grains are known to be the leading cause of allergies in cats of all ages, but not all cats are grain intolerant. As such, you’ll need to change your cat’s current diet or its health could suffer.

Homemade Cat Food Recipes For Sensitive Stomach

If your cat is suffering from constant diarrhea or vomiting, then replacing your commercial cat food with homemade food may be the best choice. It might take a while for your feline to adjust, but their condition may get worse if you don’t change the diet.

Here are simple homemade cat food recipes for sensitive stomachs:

  1. Chicken Dinner

This is one of the simplest recipes for cooking homemade cat food and it provides all the necessary nutrients that are required in a balanced diet. Moreover, the ingredients are easily available and affordable. Here’s what you need:


  • 1 cup cooked chicken ( baked or boiled)
  • ¼ cup steamed carrot ( mashed)
  • Chicken broth
  • ¼ cup steamed broccoli (mashed)


  • Put all the ingredients in a food processor and add a few tablespoons of the chicken broth.
  • Crumble or puree the ingredients until it resembles pate cat food.
  • Add the chicken broth as needed to make the food smooth but not soupy.
  • Allow the food to cool at room temperature and serve according to your cat’s food portion.
  1. Beef Dinner

If your cat has developed a taste for beef, then this meal is sure to please. It’s easy to prepare, and you can keep it in your refrigerator for up to three days.


  • 1 cup ground beef
  • ½ cup brown steamed rice
  • ¾ cup cottage cheese ( small curd)
  • Six tablespoons Alfalfa sprouts (minced)


  • In a frying pan, ground and drain your ground beef.
  • Let it cool completely and mix it with all the other ingredients in a medium-sized bowl
  • Serve the food according to your cat’s feeding portion and refrigerate the leftovers for up to three days.
  1. Homemade Treats

If you like rewarding your cat’s positive behavior with homemade treats, then this recipe is what you need. Unlike prepackaged treats, you can decide what to include or exclude in your treats, helping your cat to avoid any food that may cause diarrhea or vomiting. Here’s what you need for the recipe:


  • 2 cups of rice flour
  • ½ cup pureed turkey
  • ½ cup pureed peas


  • Preheat your oven to 325 degrees.
  • Use a baking parchment paper to line a cookie sheet.
  • Combine the peas, turkey, and flour in a food processor or a mixer.
  • Mix until the dough starts pulling away from the bowl and knead on a lightly floured surface.
  • Use a knife or cookie cutter to form bite-sized shapes.
  • Bake the treats at 325 degrees for 20 minutes and then flip them and bake at 175 degrees for an additional 40 minutes.
  • Let the treats cool before feeding your cat and store the leftovers in an airtight container.

You can easily customize this recipe to match your cat’s taste and preference. Instead of turkey, you can use any hormone protein. You can also replace the peas with pumpkin, unsweetened apple sauce, and even spinach. Nevertheless, the treats should only account for up to 10% of your feline’s diet and should be alongside other homemade foods.

Now if you are confused about switching your cat to raw food in general, we created a comprehensive guide to raw food which covers:

  • The best method to switch depending on your cat’s age, health and prior exposure to raw food
  • The best methods to switch your cat to raw food
  • Example recipes and preparation instructions

(note that the ebook is tailored to dogs but you can infer the same general principles for cats)

You can access the Complete Guide To Switch Your Dog To A Raw Diet eBook here or click on the image below:

Homemade Cat Food Recipes For Urinary Problems

homemade cat food recipes for urinary problemsIf your cat has a urinary tract infection (UTI), then creating a homemade diet is a great way to help your feline recover easily. Such infections include the Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD), a common condition among cats that causes an inflammation of the urethra or bladder. The condition can result in total blockage and even death if left untreated. Some of its symptoms include:

  • Increased urination frequency.
  • Straining and discomfort while urinating due to partial blockage of the cat’s urethra.
  • Blood in the cat’s urine.
  • Excessive licking of the genitals.

If your cat is showing these symptoms, a visit to the veterinarian is necessary. The vet will often prescribe some antibiotics to combat any bladder infection. Additionally, homemade food helps you to load your cat’s diet with fresh ingredients and specific foods that increase its immunity and fight inflammation. Here are a few pointers to help you create the ideal homemade cat food recipes for urinary problems:

  • Feed Your Cat Water-Laden Foods

After visiting your vet for a diagnosis and treatment of the UTI, you can simultaneously make homemade food to strengthen the cat’s immune system. The food should contain a generous amount of water as it flashes the bacteria out of the bladder and keeps the kitty hydrated. Additionally, wet food replicates a cat’s natural diet.

When preparing the food, fresh meat should be among the main ingredients in your recipe to fulfill the cat’s carnivorous needs. You can also encourage water intake by adding it to chicken broth, tuna juice or any other tasty liquid that your cat enjoys.

  • Focus on Meats

Meat should account for about 80% of your cat’s food. With a caloric need of around 350 calories daily depending on age, weight and other factors, you’ll need to feed your cat about 280 calories of meat. That’s about a few ounces of meat depending on the source, so check the nutritional labels to know the exact amount.

  • Round Out The Diet With Fats

Aside from fats in meat, healthy oils can reduce the inflammation and enhance the cat’s immunity. That includes flax, wild salmon and others with Omega-3. You can offer the cat a few drops on the plate or using your fingertips to know his preference.

Here is one of the simplest homemade cat food recipes for urinary problems:


  • A cup of cooked chicken (boiled)
  • ¼ cup of steamed broccoli (mashed)
  • ¼ cup steamed carrots (mashed)
  • Chicken broth


  • Put the ingredients in a food processor with ¼ cup of chicken broth
  • Puree the ingredients and add the broth as needed to make the food smooth and nearly soupy.
  • Cool the food at room temperature and serve.

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Bottom Line

If your cat has a sensitive stomach or urinary problems, then homemade cat food is the best diet for your feline. Unlike dry commercial food which lacks water, homemade food restores the natural water balance in cat’s body, boosting its immunity system to fight health issues such as UTIs. Moreover, it also saves you both time and money for visiting a veterinarian as it doesn’t make your cat sick. However, you need to give your cat time to adjust from the current diet to homemade foods.

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  1. I’m all for homemade cat food (it’s what my cats eat), but I’m concerned about the lack of supplements in these cat food recipes. Cats require taurine, calcium, iodine, and other vitamins and minerals that do not exist in the muscle meat alone. They need the heart, liver, and bones of the animal also, and/or added supplements (especially if cooking the food), otherwise they can become sick.

    • Hi Kathy, I was wondering the same thing. I’m going to make the chicken recipe for my cats but add a multi cat vitamin with taurine to it.

  2. The reason why making homemade cat food as opposed to giving your cat food commercial diet bowls down to three very important reasons, which are the health of your cat, money, and time.


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