Storage and Traveling Problems with Raw Food Products for DogsWe are delighted to see and hear on our site the response and enthusiasm to the Raw Food Diet for pets and excited to see so many people making the switch. We’ve had a couple of questions come in about the difficulty regarding food storage and what to do about it.

For some, the food storage can be a big problem especially for people who travel with their pets and they are wondering what can be done about this problem?

Lucky enough, the dog industry is absolutely huge and there are always food experts creating new innovations every day to make storage and traveling for pet owners a lot easier. It is now possible, due to demand, to buy frozen raw pet food which has been frozen as soon as it was slaughtered and cleaned.

This makes it much easier to buy upon traveling and to store. The food has been frozen in a manner that allows the food to retain all the nutrients and freshness and is also very easy to serve. Basically, defrost the food to room temperature and serve away.

Storage and Traveling Problems with Raw Food Products for DogsIf you do not want to go with the frozen food, another excellent innovation is Raw Dehydrated Dog Food which is quite similar in process to frozen raw food, as the food is dehydrated as soon as it is slaughtered and cleaned, but there is of course a difference.

There is a special dehydration process to follow which once again allows the food to keep all its nutrients and goodness. You can take this food everywhere with you and when you need it; you simply scoop out the recommended amount and re-hydrate it with some water, very simple. There should be instructions on all good quality products.

This has been quite popular as it now allows you to travel around with your pet while still enjoying the benefits of the Raw Food Diet, and thank you Maggie Rhines of for the excellent tips.

The best thing about these two intelligent innovations is that all you have to do is go on the internet, or even try your local store, and order the food, frozen or dehydrated and have it delivered right to your door, making it a lot easier than worrying about traveling with pets and raw food. And, if you find the right company with great deals, be sure to buy in bulk.

We hope these ideas will help you when and give you some sound simple advice on raw feeding when traveling. These types of food storage innovations are very popular and been used worldwide so it should not be a problem for you to source the food, and before you do your research, be sure to learn all the basics about Raw Food Feeding for Dogs either here on our site or from the highly recommended e-book Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs, The Definitive Guide to Homemade Meals. This course explains everything step-by-step and is a must for every pet owner making the switch.


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