Complete Guide

The Complete Guide To A Raw Food Diet For Dogs

We all want what’s best for our pets, and now that the search for information on raw food diet for our pets is massive and interest in avoiding commercial foods and helping our pets get back to a natural and healthier diet is what most people want, more people are seeking advice on how to do this – but good advice is hard to find!

This is because there is not enough information on raw foods for pets, especially since the huge commercial companies do not want their costumers straying from their brands; brands of unnatural foods that are not good for the health of your pet. Lucky enough, some care and want to help people like myself, learn how to feed and take-care of our pets.

The truth is, there are many raw dog food for beginners books out there. However, the best raw dog food books are hard to find. This is why we created a comprehensive guide to raw food which covers:

  • The best method to switch depending on your dog’s age, health and prior exposure to raw food
  • The best methods to switch your dog to raw food
  • Example recipes and preparation instructions

You can access the Complete Guide To Switch Your Dog To A Raw Diet eBook here or click on the image below:

In addition, in my research, I have found people like Lew Olson, Kimberly Gauthier and others that have also produced excellent raw dog food for beginners books.

Kimberly Gauthier has helped thousands of people including myself with her raw food for dogs book A Novice’s Guide to Raw Feeding for Dogs. This book is available as paperback or Kindle and is a complete guide and step by step plan to help you create an environment and meal plan for your pets to improve their health and help them live out much better lives. A good alternative is  Lew Olson’s  Raw and Natural Nutrition for Dogs | Kindle Version or Carina Beth Macdonald’s Raw Dog Food: Make It Easy for You and Your Dog | Kindle Version

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What Do These Books Cover?

When I started looking for information on how to start feeding my dogs and cat raw meats and veg, it was hard to find all the information in one place, very scattered and most information is not reliable. As stated before, there are many raw dog food for beginners books out there, but many aren’t very good. Even some vets were unsure though many do recommend a raw diet.

A Novice’s Guide to Raw Feeding for Dogs is an e-book by Kimberly Gauthier that is a must for any person who is about to embark on the transition of changing the diet of their pets, or the beginning of training and spoiling their puppies or kittens with real tasty food. This was my first detailed introduction to raw and I would have been lost without this guide and all the information provided plus the importance of knowing exactly what to use and how to use food with out hurting your pets.

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Kimberly has provided the definite guide and it’s no wonder it is so popular, people who love animals as much as Kimberly does will always want to help other pet owners do what is right and do it the right way. When I consider the thousands I have spent on commercial foods, dog meat products and remedies  for my pets that actually have no benefits at all for them I feel like screaming.

Knowledge is power as the clique goes, and in this case, is so powerful and important your pets will love you even more as you help improve them with their diet.


What Is Inside These Books?

Raw food diets for dogsIf you are intending on feeding your dog raw foods then you will be pleasantly surprised and spoiled by these raw dog food books as I was. You will learn:

– An easy to follow step by step guide on how to wean and ease your new puppy, old dog, pregnant dog, big or small dog, underweight or overweight dog on to a raw food diet, no matter what age or state of health your pet is.

– How to identify foods that are full of the nutrients your dog needs (the 26 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients your dogs requires which I did not know and is very useful), and the foods to avoid such as allergenic foods. Also, know why your dog should be fed fruit and vegetables.

– Why the natural raw food diet is the best for your pet with all the pros and cons.

– If your dog is big or small, how to calculate the amount of foods your pet needs.

– Tons of tips on weaning your pets with lots of recipes to get you on the right path and how to tell when your puppy is ready for solids.

– The tools or equipment that can help you.

– Make a decision on whether you want to detoxify your dog before of after you begin.

– A whole chapter on picky eating dogs (this one I definitely needed and was great help)

– Ton of tips and information on the types of foods to buy (beef, poultry, game etc.) and how to avoid parasites and bacteria.

– The special types of foods you need for pregnant dogs, puppies, old dogs, ill dogs.

– How to do your food shopping so it is quick and also inexpensive.

I have to stop here because if I keep typing I’ll be here all night, this is just a taste of the help I got from these raw dog food books and what is inside and if you want to see tons more just visit the main website, there is just too much amazing information you will not be disappointed.


Are These Guides For My Dog?

The answer is a huge yes. For example, I found out an important piece of information when reading one of these books. That is how important it is to identify your dog type and shape before you even start to make the change. This guide will help you make the right decision for a puppy,  pregnant dog, old dogs, young dog, ill and weak dog, fat or thin dog, any breed, made simple and easy to follow.

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Since we have changed the diets for our dogs and cats, there have been amazing changes – cleaner teeth, better breath, soft and shiny coats, temperaments are so level, and stronger stances and not an ounce of unwanted fat. Full of beans too. This is all very visible that any pet owner who has changed their pets diets away from commercial foods will tell you and beg you to turn to raw foods.


Why Would You Choose These Books?

Raw food diets for dogsIf you are serious about changing the health and diet of your pet, then you can not go wrong with any of these books. When I began way back, I found it hard to gather all the information in one place and also, where do I begin? You probably have the same feeling, and I’m delighted I created this site to share my experience and the help I got especially with this these books, and hopefully I can help others improve their pets’ health.

These books, I am happy to say have helped thousands along with their pets health and the tons of great reviews and happy pet owners just goes to show. There are hundreds of people out there now wanting to start a Raw Food Diet for their pets and are a little lost but these books will help this problem and send you in the right direction with the valuable information that you need before you begin this process. I use the book A Novice’s Guide to Raw Feeding for Dogs regularly due to the vast amount of necessary information available and the improvement in our pets since has been outstanding.Be sure to check out the reviews, while on the site and enjoy the information. Good luck with making the right move in moving your pet on to raw food, you WILL notice a huge difference in the weeks to come for you and your pets. Good luck.


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